Adapting Speech Separation to Real-World Meetings Using Mixture Invariant Training

Aswin Sivaraman1,2,* Scott Wisdom1 Hakan Erdogan1 John R. Hershey1
1Google Research
2Indiana University
*Work done during an internship at Google.

Training configuration Experiment configuration. We train a separation model f using either one or both datasets paired with appropriate loss functions: supervised PIT with reverberant Libri2Mix (RL2M) or unsupervised MixIT with AMI. Model parameters θ can either be randomly initialized or warm-started from another model pretrained with unsupervised MixIT on AudioSet.


The recently-proposed mixture invariant training (MixIT) is an unsupervised method for training single-channel sound separation models in the sense that it does not require ground-truth isolated reference sources. In this paper, we investigate using MixIT to adapt a separation model on real far-field overlapping reverberant and noisy speech data from the AMI Corpus. The models are tested on real AMI recordings containing overlapping speech, and are evaluated subjectively by human listeners. To objectively evaluate our models, we also devise a synthetic AMI test set. For human evaluations on real recordings, we also propose a modification of the standard MUSHRA protocol to handle imperfect reference signals, which we call MUSHIRA. Holding network architectures constant, we find that a fine-tuned semi-supervised model yields the largest SI-SNR improvement, PESQ scores, and human listening ratings across synthetic and real datasets, outperforming unadapted generalist models trained on orders of magnitude more data. Our results show that unsupervised learning through MixIT enables model adaptation on real-world unlabeled spontaneous speech recordings.





"Adapting Speech Separation to Real-World Meetings Using Mixture Invariant Training",
Aswin Sivaraman, Scott Wisdom, Hakan Erdogan,John R. Hershey,
Proc. ICASSP, May 2022, Singapore.


Audio Demos

Synthetic AMI (Edinburgh) Synthetic AMI (Idiap) Synthetic AMI (TNO) Real AMI (Edinburgh) Real AMI (Idiap) Real AMI (TNO)


Dataset Recipe

Synthetic AMI recipe on GitHub


Last updated: May 2022